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If you have questions, an adoption counselor will be
happy to help you select an animal that fits your lifestyle and expectations.
By giving stock, your support will have even greater impact-without denting your pocketbook.
So remember, charitable giving doesn’t always mean cash.
They are teaching professionals to campaign for proper animal welfare legislation in a country that
has none, and educate the public about respect for animal
life where it doesn’t exist. ACTAsia is working to raise awareness about the brutalities of the fur trade and work with grassroots animal
activist groups across China teaching them to be more professional and more effective.
ACTAsia’s humane education program has trained hundreds of
humane educators who are teaching thousands of Chinese schoolchildren. Animals
Asia Foundation (AAF) - Animals Asia Foundation was founded
in 1998 with the plight of the Asiatic Black Bear (Moon Bear), who are farmed in Asia for their bile used in traditional
Chinese medicine. Crick, F.; Koch, C. (1998).
"Consciousness and neuroscience" (PDF). If there is a
particular animal that interests you, we ask that you complete an adoption application form, and then you can meet with that animal in one
of our visitation rooms.